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Business Travel 360
NoJetStress - Episode 2 | Surviving Business Travel
By Christopher Babayode
Season 1
Episode 2
The NoJetStress Podcast is a traveler wellbeing podcast for frequent business travelers covering health and peak performance on the road as well as to help business travelers maintain optimal health and avoid burnout no matter how much they travel. Christopher Babayode, a Corporate Travel Wellness Expert shares his insights on Traveler Wellness.
This is episode, Christopher discusses -
- Surviving Business Travel
- Informal & formal support groups
- Mental health and the travel connection
- Circadian rhythms
- Bleisure travel a tool for wellness
- One fun thing while away
- Global Citizenship
- Building vitality while you travel as a strategy
- Corporate culture to support wellbeing culture
- Nutrition, energy, recovery and supplements
- Performance athlete travellers
You can subscribe to this podcast by searching BusinessTravel360 on Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, iHeart, Pandora or Spotify.
This podcast was created by Christopher Babayode and distributed by BusinessTravel360. For more information about NoJetStress, visit us at